True Colors

Many times people ask us why our tomato sauce orange. There are two reasons. First, during the summer we use only local, award-winning heirloom tomatoes which come in a variety of colors from purples and reds, to yellows and greens. When making the sauce, the colors combine and make orange. We all know when you mix yellow and red, it makes orange. It’s not magic or butter or vodka. It’s from tomatoes with names like Brandywine, Solar Flare and Mint Julip.


Second, we do not use tomatoes with additives, preservatives, or citric acid. Added citric acid in particular keeps the tomatoes redder. We only use fresh tomatoes without added citric acid which is why our sauce is lighter and orange.

Cultivators, geneticists and big manufactorers have all had their fun experimenting with the tomato. Transforming it inside and out. In many cases, going too far and producing a tasteless tomato. Perhaps when it comes to bringing out the full potential of the tomato, there are too many cooks in the kitchen. So, my philosophy is to let the tomato be itself. It should be free to express it’s true colors…even orange.


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